Couples / Marriage

If you are experiencing problems in your relationship we can help to provide you with the following:

  • A compassionate and non-judgmental  space for you and your partner to open up about your current difficulties and desires
  • Feedback on relationship patterns that interfere with intimacy and relationship fulfillment
  • Healthy communication strategies  

Please note that we may not be a good fit to work together if there is current domestic abuse in your relationship.  If we discover that we are not a good fit to work together we would be happy to offer you a referral to another qualified couples therapist.

We offer the option of paying for your sessions out-of-pocket or using insurance. Here are a few things to consider when deciding your method of payment:

Insurance companies require that clients receive a diagnosis

Most insurance plans base their reimbursement of mental health services on what is called “medical necessity.”  This means that you must carry a mental health diagnosis in order to justify treatment. Some people may feel uncomfortable with carrying a mental health diagnosis, as this diagnosis will become part of your permanent medical record, which could impact you in the future in terms of employment prospects or eligibility for future health or life insurance.  When you self-pay for therapy there is no need to give a diagnosis, thus eliminating any of these concerns.

Insurance plans choose the type of therapy clients can receive

For example, insurance plans do not reimburse for couples counseling unless one partner is diagnosed with a disorder and the joint sessions are meant to help the “identified patient” to make progress in treatment or to prevent worsening of current symptoms. When you pay for therapy yourself, we can decide together what type of therapy is most appropriate without having to worry about insurance limitations.